Since its debut in the summer of 2004, has been dedicated to providing relentless coverage of A&T football. In addition, we pride ourselves in offering a comfortable environment for Aggie fans to come together and exchange ideas. With exclusive interviews, in-depth analysis and all the cutting-edge reporting that diehard fans covet, has quickly emerged as one of the most popular fan sites on the Internet. We consider it a privilege that our readers view us as the premiere source for A&T football news and we remain committed to presenting accurate and timely information.
Semaj Marsh
Founder / Web Developer / Contributing Editor
As “El Presidente of the BDF”, Semaj Marsh serves as the leader of the most powerful fan organization on the Internet. A native of Greensboro, NC, Marsh spent his teenage years in Houston, TX before returning to Aggieland to complete his college education. He holds a degree in public relations from A&T and previously worked in the media relations department for several professional sport teams. He and his wife Fanchon reside in Brown Summit, NC and are the proud parents of two sons, Alexander and Nicholas.
Craig Turner
Featured Columnist
Craig Turner is now in his seventh season as the critically-acclaimed featured columnist for Since day one, he has captivated readers with his uncanny ability to give rare insight into the inner-workings of the A&T athletic department while also shedding light on the complexities of college football in general. Turner earned a bachelors degree in politcal science from A&T in 1978 and has enjoyed a 30-year career as a leader in the criminal justice field. He and his wife Mitzi have been married for 26 years and currently reside in High Point. They have one daughter, Shelley, and a grandson, Brice.
Kevin Dorsey
Kevin Dorsey enters his fourth season as the staff photographer for A native of Durham, NC, Dorsey has been a fan of Aggie football his entire life. He attended A&T during the Bill Hayes era, where he wtinessed firsthand some of the greatest moments in the program’s proud history. When he’s not out snapping vivid pictures with his digital camera, Dorsey has enjoyed a successful career in the information technology field. He and his wife Cassandra currently live in Whisett, NC.
Darren Toler
Darren Toler enters his second season as a staff photographer and web developer for Toler brings a wealth of web design experience to, getting his start as one of the creative minds behind the first official university website as an A&T student in the mid-90’s. He holds a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from A&T, and has enjoyed a career as a commercial airline pilot. He currently resides in Charlotte, NC.
Michael Simmons
Dr. Michael Simmons is in his third year as staff photographer for Prior to joining our staff, he served as a faculty member and administrator at North Carolina A&T in the Transportation Institute and the Department of Economics from 1970 until he retired in 2006. Although he is a 1967 graduate of Arkansas AM&N in Pine Bluff ( where he briefly ran track), Michael is a rabid supporter of A&T as a Patron of the Paul Robeson Theatre, member of the Aggie Club, and treasurer of the William “Bill” Clark Athletic Scholarship Fund. He and his wife Catherine firmly believe that Aggie Pride should be more than a couple of words. He started taking pictures of A&T students to enhance their Aggie experience.